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Our Projects


We are building up a strong network of farmers and people in business 

In 2019 we started a big data collection among villages in the Offinso Municipality. By analysing and connecting the informations we help the locals to link up. So it becomes easier for them to support each other, speak in one voice to policymakers and share their iedas and best practice.


We are providing clean cook stoves and eco-friendly charcoal

Together with German aprentice in metal work and the Methodist Rural Technology Facility we developed a clean pyrolise cooking stove. It is proven, that this kind of stoves can save up to 80% of firewood compared to a three-stone-fire. We are on our way implementing the stove in private households. Also we are always looking for improvement to suit the needs of the users. 

You simply fill the stove from above with firwood and light ist. It will provide a very hot cooking flame for approximately one hour. After that you can empty the stove and you will find charcoal: the wood will not become ashes because of the special wood gasification process. Now you can refill and light again. 

The stove can also be used as a coal-pot. Therefor we are also on a project to develop a more sustainable charcoal. It is produced out of coconut shell and cassava, but it is possible to use nearly every organic material. 


We are having partners in Germany to provide intercultural understanding

Together with the Bildungswerkstatt Georgsmarienhütte gGmbH we established a youth programm in 2016. We and the Methodist Rural Technology Facility are providing a learnspace for young artisans. Apart from leraning some practical skills in metal work, the young artisans took part in intercultural trainings and experienced the ghanian culture.


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